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Student Showcase 

This space showcases some of the brilliant work completed by our amazing students on our writing courses.

Feel free to take a look through them and enjoy the creativity exhibited by bright young minds. 

Abby, Age 7, Hong Kong

Abby wrote this exciting and engaging story as part of her assessment after studying The Narrative Writing Course with us. She did an amazing job of using narrative structure effectively to build excitement and tension. I also really enjoyed her wide range of vocabulary and sentence structures. She scored an incredible 86/100 (distinction) in her assessment. Well done, Abby! Enjoy this read!

The Power of Appreciation    By Abby Tang

“Matilda, how come you come here every day? “Asked the librarian. “The books are all almost borrowed by you.” “Well, I don’t have any books at my home, so I can’t read, but I do love reading. “Replied Matilda. Matilda was a girl with blue eyes, brown hair and always wore a spotty dress. She was as curious as a magnet, and she learnt as fast as the speed of light. When she was a newborn, she learnt phonics; when she was three, she knew how to take care of herself; when she was four, she had the sense of fashion; while she is 8 now, she is reading books college students read. She lives in a nice house, but her family weren’t that nice. Matilda’s parents didn’t let her go to school; they left Matilda all alone. Every morning Matilda cooked breakfast for herself and went to the library. Library was her heaven and her real home. However, when her family came back at night, her nightmare started. Laughter filled the room, but not the good kind.  Everyone was laughing except Matilda. They were laughing at some inappropriate things, and no one talked to each other. Matilda didn’t think this was funny, she thought this was horrible (which it is). In a thunderstorm night when Matilda was reading, her dad yelled at Matilda, “You idiot! Are you a member of our family! If you are, just put down that stupid book and watch TV now, if you aren’t, just go out to the street and read alone!” Matilda was so furious that her anger exploded like a volcano, and she broke the television with her mind power by accident. That was when she discovered she was different. She stomped to her room. Rain falling from the sky like teardrops, she just couldn’t take it! She untied the necklace which she wore since she was born and threw it on the ground. The necklace broke, Matilda’s covered her mouth after she had seen what was inside, it was a letter!


Dear Matilda,

My lovely daughter, you are the star of our family. If you read this letter, it means you have unlocked your mind power. Your dad and I were captured by Scarlet Queen. Only you can rescue us. Hints are in the map.


Your Mom and Dad


Matilda pulled out the map and tried to figure out where she needed to go to rescue her born parents. “Hmmmmm……it seems to say that I need to go to the Savanna, the black hole, and the haunted village. “Said Matilda. “I will need to go now!” Matilda packed and left without any hesitation.

First, she went out of her city, walked for 3 days, and swam through the sea. By the time she got to the Savanna, she was so exhausted that she leaned on the grass. Suddenly, horror shook Matilda, a lion was running towards her. Matilda recalled catnip could mystify the lion, so Matilda picked one from her backpack and stuffed it in the lion’s mouth. The catnip was magical! It behaved itself and knew how to talk. It agreed with Matilda that it would join her and let her ride on its back. Matilda found the lion courageous, high spirited, bold, determined, and obedient from its hazel eyes.

As they walked in the middle of Savanna, they saw a black hole ahead.  Matilda noticed a sign with the warning: “Legend has it, if you can’t escape the black hole in one minute, you will be torn into a million pieces”. They nervously crept into the black hole, hoping to find the white hole. As they swam, their bodies got longer and longer. Then they spotted a green light ahead, it was an alien! The alien said, “Help! I was hurt and trapped in the space stone; can anyone help?”30 seconds left!  Without a second of doubt, Matilda swam towards the alien and pulled him out from the space stone.  “Thank you so much little girl, let me get you through the white hole, we have to get out here in 10 seconds!” They had rushed through the white hole just a second before they were being torn into pieces. Looking into the golden eyes of the alien, Matilda learnt that he was generous, strong-willed, loyal, diligent and he had a hidden superpower, so Matilda asked him to join her team.


Getting out from the white hole, they immediately saw the scary entrance of the evil village. Just as they walked into the village, a group of pumpkins with demonic red eyes surrounded them. Fortunately, the brave lion killed all of them. After that, Matilda spotted that a rabbit was trapped in a net. By the time when Matilda had rescued it, they already found themselves surrounding by the zombies! The lion tried to slay them, but it didn’t work. Matilda tried to use her brain power to make them fall, but they stood still. The alien erupted his anger, he screamed, fire made a circle around him. His superpower had unlocked! He could now teleport anyone to anywhere he wanted. The zombies tried to get him, but he kept teleporting which made the zombies dizzy, and killed the zombies at their back.


They saved the rabbit. The rabbit told Matilda that she was once the pet of her mother. She was being trapped in Evil Village after her mother was captured by Evil Scarlet. “Follow me, I will lead you to your parents, they are being kept in Scarlet’s haunted house.” Matilda followed the rabbit’s lead. As they got closer, they felt more like something horrifying would happen. At last, they arrived the haunted house, it was so dark, so dangerous, so deadly. Matilda heard a mysterious howling. Cobwebs and dust were everywhere, wind rustling through a broken window gap. Nasty smell came from rotten the wood mixed with rusty metal coated her nose. Blood dripped from the roof.  They carefully tip-toed inside the haunted house. A group of zombies came, the lion slayed them all in the speed as fast as light. They trembled through the house, and suddenly, they spotted Scarlet alongside with Matilda’s parents! “Mwuahahahaha! I knew you would come in one day!” bellowed Scarlet. “You can’t beat me, or these monsters!” teased Scarlet as she released three gigantic monsters with green eyes as tall as Mount Everest. The alien and the lion tried to use the same method as how they defeated the Zombies, but it didn’t work. The rabbit tried to distract it by tickling it using its feathers, the monsters giggled. The alien caught the chance and set a fire to kill the monsters!


“You still can’t beat me!” insisted Scarlet. They tried to beat Scarlet with their fists, but it didn’t work! They had never been so painful that their tears flowed freely like a river! “Your mother was always the winner when we were at school, but now, I will let her feel as a loser!” Shouted Scarlet. Scarlet’s words were as sharp as a knife. When all hope seemed lost, the star of hope suddenly appeared! Matilda immediately grabbed the star and gave Scarlet a mighty punch! Scarlet fainted, Matilda rushed to her born parents and they hugged together as if they found the most cherished treasure in the world.  Cheers like thunderstorms, Matilda, her parents, and her friends were all so exhilarated that their laughter filled the village like bells. Matilda said, “Thank you everyone. Evil Scarlet really has been bitten by the green-eyed monster. Jealousy is like a cancer in your eyes, it will harm you, fool you, destroy you and make you blind. The only medicine to cure the deadly diseases is the power of appreciation.” Matilda, her friend, and family lived blissfully ever after.

Ellie, Age 8,  Hong Kong 

For this poetry assessment, Ellie was aksed to write a 16-line-poem about any topic she liked. However, the requirements were that she included at least one of the rhyme schemes which we discussed in class alongside a consistent rhythm and meter. She also had to think carefully about the tone of her poem and about how to create imagery using figurative language techniques. I was incredibly impressed with what she created which turned out to be a thoughtful and creative piece of poetry bound to entertain any reader! Take a look at Ellie's wonderful creation below! 

Cinderella’s Complaints


     I have been locked up in this room for seven long days,

     I cannot escape and have tried millions of  ways,

     And for Fairy Godmother, here she shall not lurk,

    because she’s on holiday and poor me must work! 


   Wild winds are blowing in my direction, oh no!

   Why is my fate like this, from this house I hope to go!

   I have only food as horrible as loads of toads!   

  I have got loads of complaints that I hate to speak of, loads!


At this moment dear Fairy Godmother turns up,

I’m grateful she’s here, she can use a buttercup,

to help me get out of this room that is hell,

then she can help me stand up to my sisters as well.


The troubles in my heart seem to clear and I’m grateful,

there is always a way out of things, be hopeful.

Even when it’s really troublesome and tears start to come,

there is hope in anything even if you feel glum.

Karl, Age 12, Hong Kong

After studying our gothic fiction unit, Karl was asked to write a book review for the unit's set text which was Susan Hill's 'The Woman in Black'. His review was engaging, informative and entertaining without giving away any spoilers. Well done, Karl! 

Review Of The Woman In Black

Title of book: The Woman In Black

Author: Susan Hill

Rating: 10/10


Have you ever wanted to read a spine chilling tale that has suspense, horror, and mystery? If that's the case, then you would love this book written by Susan Hill. One of the fun facts about her is that she was born in Scarborough, North Yorkshire during World War II. 


This gothic fiction ghost story is about a lawyer named Arthur Kipps who had a case regarding a reclusive woman named Mrs. Drablow. She had just died in her decaying house located in an ill-fated northern village called Crythin Gifford. Arthur goes to her funeral in Crythin Gifford and later on, goes to her house to collect some papers. He realized that he required more time to collect the papers so he decided to stay inside the house for a couple of days. To his horror, he later realizes that the house was haunted and returns to the town and stays in a guest house called The Gifford Arms. Later on, he gathers the courage to go back to the house but this time with a dog named Spider to accompany him. During their visit to Eel Marsh House they almost drown in the marshes. This book is not part of a series, therefore you do not have to have any prior knowledge to understand the book. 


The Woman In Black is one of the best books that has ever been written in the gothic genre. This book did more than fulfill my expectations of the genre. It was suspenseful, it ended well, and every chapter had a moment that made me freeze in fear. 


I cared for most of the characters, but the one I cared for the most was Mr. Daily. He was a well written and a quite fleshed out character, you can really tell how much he cared and looked after Arthur. However, I also cared for the main antagonist of this book: The Woman In Black because I felt really sympathetic towards her since she had lost her child and she had a really sad back story. None of the characters in this book were really hate-able since they were all portrayed with depth and complexity, causing them to be more relatable and human. All of the characters had interesting backgrounds and back stories, contributing to the overall story. 


The story was really enticing and I was hooked in more and more with each chapter of the book.

One of the main moments that really resonated with me was when Mr. Daily came to visit Arthur to check if he was alright, this just goes to show how much Mr. Daily cared for Arthur. 


There were several different themes throughout this story including grief and loss, fear and the supernatural, isolation and desolation, and secrets and hidden past. These themes were effectively expressed well throughout the story because you could really tell which chapter connected with which theme. 

The ending to this book was phenomenal and it was a massive plot twist. No questions left unanswered. The novella had no plot hole whatsoever; the plot was well structured and built up suspense and questions left unanswered right until the end. 


The author of The Woman In Black: Susan Hill is very talented, one of the aspects of Hill’s writing style is that she uses a lot of emotive diction, she uses descriptive language to a great extent, and she slowly unravels mysteries, allowing bookworms to read the story as it unfolds more and more. Her voice was very compelling, she captured the reader’s attention with the start of every sentence and built suspense with the use of short sentences. When I finished reading the book I was filled with shock and sorrow. 


In conclusion, The Woman In Black is an astounding book due to the suspense, horror, and mystery. The author really captured the scene with her use of descriptive language, allowing the reader to fully visualize the environment and atmosphere of that moment. Without a doubt I would recommend this to my colleagues, friends, classmates or family and any other person that shows interest in gothic books. 

Kingsley , 10-years-old, Hong Kong 

For his end of unit assessment on persuasive writing, Kingsley was tasked with writing a persuasive speech showcasing a product which he created himself. He scored a whopping 94/100 on this assessment due to the diverse range of persuasive devices employed within the Aristotelian triad structure. Well done, Kingsley! 

In today's world, it is crucial to be aware of the impact of our actions on the environment. As a result, many are switching to eco-friendly products for everyday use, including cleaning products. If you value a clean home and a sustainable lifestyle, then you must try Grime Reaper, our latest product at Clean Green Solutions.


Grime Reaper is a powerful cleaning solution that is designed to make cleaning easy and effective while also being eco-friendly. Made with natural ingredients, Grime Reaper is tough on dirt and grime, yet gentle on surfaces. It's perfect for everyone!


Using Grime Reaper is easy as pie. Simply apply the solution to the surface you want to clean, wait as little as 2 seconds, and wipe it away. It's that simple! And because it's made with natural ingredients, you don't have to worry about harmful chemicals polluting the environment or irritating your skin. You’ll be astonished at how quickly it leaves your home spotless and fresh!


But Grime Reaper isn't just about being eco-friendly. It's also incredibly practical. With its powerful cleaning agents, it can tackle even the toughest stains on various surfaces, including countertops, floors, and appliances. In previous tests, Grime Reaper has been shown to remove up to 99.4% of common household stains and grime, including grease, dirt, and soap scum. And because it's gentle on surfaces, you can use it without worrying about damaging your home.


Grime Reaper is the result of over a decade of hard work and dedication by a team of experienced professionals at Clean Green Solutions. Our team has spent years studying different designs and perfecting the formula. We take pride in providing our customers with high-quality and effective cleaning products that align with their values. Grime Reaper is no exception.


So why not give Grime Reaper a try? It's easy to use, effective, and eco-friendly. Grime Reaper has even been approved and certified by many experts, and has also received multiple awards for its exceptional abilities. According to famous YouTuber “Clean Queen”, Grime Reaper is a must-have state-of-the-art cleaning product. With Grime Reaper, you can have a clean home while also taking care of the environment! Go to  (fake) and use promo code “CLEAN23” to get 20% off while shopping.

Marcus, 12 years old, Hong Kong 

Marcus was asked to write a story introduction in the gothic fiction style. His first draft was great! However, with a little guidance on utilising synonyms, personfication, 'show, not tell' and metaphors, Marcus was able to re-draft something which encaptultes the gothic horror style really well. Take a look! 

First draft

As I walked and walked with each step closer to the mansion, I was all wet, thinking I would never reach the mansion.  I looked around to find life but no one was there, I was stuck in a wet, dark and gloomy forest.  Everywhere I looked was just dark and creepy trees, they looked as if those trees were about to grab me.  I’m shivering from the cold, I felt scared, nervous and creeped out.  Suddenly something jumped out of the bushes grabbing my hand, there were several humans who looked as if they were dead.


Second draft 

As I trudged along, each step seemingly closer to yet further away from the mansion, the constant dreary drizzle almost drowned me, and I contemplated how I might never reach my destination. Frantically, I scanned my surroundings to find any sign of life, but no other human was there; rather, this wet, dark and gloomy forest isolated me from civilization. The long, jagged fingers of ancient trees jutted out, stroking and grabbling me as I struggled past them. I shivered from the bitter cold while my heartbeat raced and forced an icy sweat to emerge from my skin. Suddenly, something horrid hurtled towards me out of the bushes, snatching violently at my hand and dragging me into its pit.


Kyle, 15 years old, Hong Kong 


Year 11 student, Kyle, was asked to write a vivid description of the image below using sensory language and a range of linguistic devices. I loved his use of personification throughout! A genuinely great piece of descriptive writing. Well done Kyle! 

A white sheet of ice tries its best to cover the dark blue ocean. With nothing but the expressionless void in the distance, the ice’s cry for help isn’t going to be answered for the foreseeable future. Crunching sounds can be heard from the battle between the offensive water and the defensive ice, with water trying to claw through the ice's defenses and bring it down to the water’s level. With an onslaught of the elements and its vast fields of emptiness capable of breaking apart the minds of the most determined persons. Spikes of cold air rip apart the respiratory system of anyone that dares enter its domain. Like some worn down blanket with  holes visible, water appears sporadically within the ice and tries to get onto the icy surface using any opening it can find. With water surrounding certain parts, small pieces of ice sit in their places silently, waiting for the end to near.


Tommy, 12 years old, Hong Kong 

Tommy was tasked with writing a persuasive letter to customers which aims to convince them to buy his product. A range of persuasive techniques were employed by Tommy here alongside some brilliant vocabulary choices! Great work, Tommy! 

Dear valued customer,


Greetings! Today, I would like to present to you Steady Sipping's 'No Spill cup' and explain why it's an excellent choice for your beverage needs.


This cup is not your ordinary one. It boasts a unique locking mechanism that seals the lid tightly, preventing any accidental spills. Its premium materials ensure exceptional durability, making it sturdy and long-lasting. The No Spill cup delivers an unrivaled fusion of value, good looks, robustness, and spill-proof performance. It is a sustainable choice because it is made from completely recyclable, eco-friendly materials. You may easily choose one that suits your tastes among the selection of sizes and colours. The cup also requires little care and is simple to clean. Because of its exceptional design, it will be able to survive accidental drops without breaking. Therefore, the No Spill cup is the best option for you if you're seeking a cup that is durable, stylish, and spill-proof.


But wait! There's more! The rounded shape of the No Spill cup gives a firm grip and makes it simple to grasp and sip from. It's ideal for people who are constantly on the go because there are no spills or leaks when driving or taking public transportation. The cup's capacity to contain spillage makes it an excellent choice for parents of young children who frequently spill their drinks.

Furthermore, the No Spill cup is adaptable and may be used for a variety of liquids, including hot and cold beverages. Its double-wall insulation preserves your drinks at the right temperature, enabling you to enjoy your beverage at your leisure without fear of it becoming too cold or hot.


The No Spill cup, with its amazing characteristics, is unquestionably a game changer in the world of cups. Its distinct design, environmental friendliness, and high quality set it apart from the competition. So, if you want to improve your drinking experience or give someone a useful and fashionable cup, the No Spill cup is an excellent solution. Don't put it off any longer; get your hands on a No Spill cup today and say good-by to spills and leaks for good!


Thank you for taking the time to read this letter. I hope it has convinced you of the benefits of the No Spill cup.


Best regards


Steady Sipping Team


Edwin, 14 years old, Hong Kong 

During this lesson, Edwin learned about improving academic style and tone by thinking carefully about the use of affixes. We looked at the role of some interesting prefixes and suffixes and saw how using them can enhance the formality of our writing. He was then tasked with answering the question below in a formal and academic style. I loved reading his response since it contained many engaging ideas as well as fantastic uses of some of the affixes we studied in class. Well done, Edwin! 

Question - In your opinion, to what extent will technology have an impact on the world during the next 20 years?


In recent years, technology has been advancing rapidly.  Take ChatGPT as an example, it allows humans to have casual conversations with robots.  One of its most powerful capabilities is analyzing the similarities of one’s questions with online resources, and providing one with detailed answers, explanations and citations.  Thus, it has been a big hit to the world!  As we venture into the technological world with infinite possibilities, we may wonder what impacts, both positive and negative, technology will have on the world in a couple of decades.


In my opinion, there will be two extremes.  The first one being a world of perfection, in which countless benefits will be brought to the global community.  Technology can be used to strengthen firewalls and security networks in order to fight against cybercrimes.  This can offer internet users absolute protection and safety. 


Other than that, if robots were programmed to be emotional, they could be companions or even lifelong partners for humans.  For passive and introverted people or autism patients, they may find robots intimate and easy to communicate with.  Emotional robots can provide a last resort to those who disfavour socialisation with others. 


On the financial and social aspects, quantum teleportation has been proved successful through experiments and is one of the most important breakthroughs in scientific history.  The technology paves the way for instant transportation without the need to waste time on commutation.  Moreover, business hours can be extended by a reasonable length, which can invigorate the economy.


In addition, there may be a revival of the Voyages of Discovery but with a twist, this time in space.  As space technology has shown improvement, there may be possibilities in exploring the universe and the galaxy.  Now, amid the deterioration of climate change, humans are looking for alternative living environments.  For example, extraterrestrial planets, the most feasible of which being Mars.  Technology amelioration can widen the range of backup options to prepare for the unexpected.


On the contrary, undesirable changes may occur.  With ChatGPT being invented in recent months, people begin to raise concerns about whether AI will one day replace humans.  Since humans are indolent and tend to take the easy way out, they would naturally choose to acquire information online or even commit plagiarism.  According to media reports, this situation is very common and happens everywhere, from job application letters to essays.  Imagine after 20 more years of the technological development, everyone would over-rely on technology in executing tasks. 


In labour-intensive industries, there is already a high rate of unemployment at the current moment due to the higher productivity and cost-effectiveness of machinery compared to manpower.  Undoubtedly, machinery will dominate different industries in the near future.


On the political aspect, it will be disastrous if all countries compete in developing their military equipment.  A lot of economically superior countries have started their investments in CRISPR, a gene modification technology.  On the battlefield, this kind of technology allows soldiers to heal more quickly, greatly reducing casualties.  Nevertheless, it may arouse the ambition of conquest for superpowers.  That being said, I can foresee numerous World Wars occurring again.


The impacts of technological advancement are unpredictable, depending on its usage.  Only if we together listen to our conscience and make correct decisions concerning the application of technology in our daily lives, can we eradicate violence and overdependence on technology, and maximize the benefits of technology.

Ambrose Wong, 10 years old, Hong Kong 

Ambrose was asked to write a detailed description based on an image of a busy market street in Hong Kong. He did an excellent job of using targeted vocabulary, oxymorons, personification and much more. Great work Ambrose, well done!

Screaming and yelling is heard all over the place, people are moving at a fast pace and making a gust of wind that swallows everyone in between. People struggle to get across the deafening silence, while some simply push through everybody as if they were invisible. The food makes the market incredibly stinky, as the people are striving to breathe fresh air - nobody really wants to smell rotten fish. The poor sellers wait as long as they can, as the people slowly snake across the market to avoid every store - to act like they didn’t see it. The narrow space of the market causes people with claustrophobia to suffocate in the depths of the abyss. I am sure that nobody knows and nobody will really care when something is misplaced or scratched; because of the staggering amount of people, nothing can really keep track of where something went. The dirty and crowded market causes the food, clothes, flowers, even the ‘I love HK’ towel to be contaminated, along with the amount of bugs scattered around the whole place, there was nowhere that was actually relaxing to stay at. 


Welcome to the stage of confusion - You see things that you cannot apprehend; you hear sounds that are indistinguishable; you smell things that are so smelly that you cannot imagine worse. As if you fell into the abyss of nothing.

Leanne, 14 years old, Hong Kong 

The idea behind this lesson was to learn the typical conventions and writing styles of tabloid newspapers. Emphasis was placed on literary devices such as alliteration which Leanne has used brilliantly in her short and snappy headline. Great work Leanne! 

Sloppy Stolen Socks Sold


From a celebrity’s fence, to a dog’s ownership, to an auction house and finally to a sock collector.


A middle-aged celebrity’s socks were stolen by a German Shepard, and was returned back to him the next day, but the condition was far from what it was like before. Fans were willing to buy this sickening sock.


Last week, a German Shepard stole a sock that was hanging on a fence, right in front of a middle-aged celebrity named Joe. “I saw him steal it when I was hanging the rest of my laundry, and it was my favourite sock!” Joe exclaimed, “The next day I saw the dog sitting on my doorstep with my sock on my doormat, and you don’t even want to know what it looked like.”


The sock was further analyzed, and it was seen as if it has been thrown into the sewer. The sock went from white to dark grey, with holes here and there. It also reeked of dog saliva, with some dog food inside. The item smelled so bad that the smell remained on the scientific microscope, that scientists had to disassemble the different parts and put them in different landfills.


When Joe was just about to throw it in the bin, his producer told him to sell it in an auction. He first thought it was a foolish idea, but his fans proved him wrong. Later known as the ‘Sloppy Sock’, people were willing to buy this item for more than 10 grand! Shortly after a week, the highest bet went to Bill Sock, who was a rich sock collector.


“I am more than delighted to have collected this sock, as it has been my family tradition to spend our fortune on socks. It has been my dream to buy a sock from a celebrity, and I cannot believe I actually fulfilled it.” This incident went from a nasty mistake to a happy man who fulfilled his life dream.


No one knew what happened during the time the German Shepard had the sock, but one thing’s for sure; he helped a celebrity earn more money, and fulfilled a man’s life-long dream.

Nigel, 9 years old, Hong Kong 

One of the most tricky concepts covered in our KS2 poetry unit is rhythm and meter. Nigel grasped the idea of how rhythm is organised within poems and learned about iambic pentameter / tetrameter in this class. He then went on to create his own stanza about Chinese New Year using iambic pentameter. I was extremely proud to see what he came up with. In future lessons, we will learn how to develop this stanza by utilising rhyme scheme and techniques to create strong imagery. Well done Nigel! 

I like my new year's time, it is so fun.

I get to eat a bunch of turnip cake.

They give us lots of chocolate to eat.

Do you enjoy your new year's time as well?

Chi Ching, 12 years old, Hong Kong 

During this KS3 poetry unit, Chi Ching studied a variety of poetic features and analysed poetry from a range of classical and contemporary poets. I was genuinely impressed with not only the effort she put in during classes but also the quality of her work throughout the course. Chi Ching took onboard new concepts quickly and was able to analyse poetry to find interesting poetic devices as well as using them herself in her own work. Well done Chi Ching, let's keep it up! 

Pack your bags and get ready to go,

Don’t forget to bring your passport too

Got everything ready?

Wow, look at this queue

Hope this won’t be too slow

Finally our turn on entry.



As our flight touches down,

The stressed feelings flow away

The steady beat of the waves crashing onto the shore

along with the happy giggles from children nearby,

sound like a perfect melody. 


The sun was so bright

I felt like I was in a room of pure light

The water was clearer than glass

And the sand was warm and glittery.


As I walk along the shore

My toes touching the raw stone on the floor

And I look around at my paradise-like surroundings

The sounds, the taste and the smell

And I rise above them all to the sky

Free as a bird, as I fly.

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